Driver fender rust.
Rear shelf rust.
Rear shelf rust.
Passenger side rear window rust.
Driver rear fender damage.
Driver side rear window rust bubbles.
Passenger side front fender rust bubbles.
Trunk rust.
Trunk seal rust.
Trunk seal rust.
Front suspension rust (upside down).
Front suspension rust (upside down).
Floor pan rust.
Passenger rear seat.
Driver rear seat.
DS rear window rust exposed.
DS rear window rust exposed (in engine bay).
DS rear window rust exposed (in cabin).
PS rear window rust exposed.
PS rear window rust exposed (in engine bay).
PS rear window rust exposed (in cabin).
PS rear seat/shelf rust.
PS rear seat bottom rust holes.
PS rear seat back tiny rust hole (photo center).
Previous welding PS.
Previous welding DS.
DS rear seat/shelf rust.
Rear window lip tiny rust holes.
PS rocker rust and previous patch job.
PS front fender rust exposed.
DS front fender rust and previous patch exposed.
DS rocker previous patch.
DS rocker rust.
PS rocker top.
DS rocker top rust.
PS rear rocker top patch/rust.
PS rocker top previous patch.
PS rocker rust, bad patch removed.
PS rear rocker rust, bad patch removed.
PS front fender mount flange.
PS front fender mount flange.
PS battery box area.
Front seal strip.
DS front fender mount flange.
DS front fender mount flange.
DS rocker rust, bad patch removed.
DS rocker rust, bad patch removed.
DS rocker rust, bad patch removed.
PS fender rusty flange.
DS fender rusty flange.
DS front fender rust, from the back.
PS front fender rust, from the back.
Front fender rust (DS).
Front fender rust (DS).
Front fender rust (PS).
Front fender rust (PS).
Front fender rust (PS).
Front fender rust (DS).
Replacement rear shelf from later 911.
Replacement rear shelf from later 911.
Replacement rear shelf cut away.
Rusty rear shelf rough cut.
Rusty rear shelf rough cut.
Test fit the new panel.
Test fit the new panel.
Metal Ready converting the rust.
Metal Ready converting the rust.
Zinc weld-through primer.
Zinc weld-through primer.
Panel tacked into place.
Test fit engine lid to ensure panel placement.
Welding complete.
Welding complete.
PS corner rust cut out and new patch.
Patch welded in.
Patch welded in.
DS corner rust, ready to cut.
Patch welded in.
Patch welded in.
PS rear seat back/firewall.
PS rear seat back/firewall.
Bad metal cut out.
Patch piece #2, hand fabricated.
Completed PS repairs.
Completed PS repairs.
DS outer rocker, ready to come off.
Rusty DS inner rocker.
Heater tube removed for cleaning.
POR-15 MetalReady sprayed after a quick sanding.
Lower door post rot.
Bad metal removed.
Lower door post reconstructed.
Inner panel patched.
All closed up.
Ready for the outer rocker.
PS Outer rocker removed.
PS opened up, cleaned, converted, and painted.
PS inner rocker 95% welded with door test fit. Perfect gaps.
New fender rear bottom sectioned in.
Outer rocker welded on.
Dansk outer rocker took a bit of work to fit.
Outer rocker welded on.
Lower door post section welded in.
Rear fender section replaced.
Door test fit.
Driver's side rocker replacement complete.
PS lower door pillar rust.
PS lower door pillar rust cut out and painted inside.
PS lower door pillar patched.
PS lower door pillar before repairs.
PS lower door pillar during repairs.
PS lower door pillar after repairs.
PS outer rocker welded into place.
Testing PS door gaps.
Ready to weld in lower door jamb.
Lower door jamb welded in.
Lower PS door jamb complete.
Lower PS door jamb complete.
PS rocker replacement complete.
PS floor rusted out.
PS floor patched.
Front end rust.
Front end rust.
Front end rust.
Upper section removed.
Upper section removed.
Upper section removed.
Drilling out spot welds.
Front suspension pan removed.
New front suspension pan welded in.
New front suspension pan welded in.
New front suspension pan welded in.
Repairing the side sections.
Side sections repaired. Painted before being closed up.
Side sections repaired. Painted before being closed up.
New upper section welded in.
New upper section welded in.
Test fit gas tank.
Before repairing front right.
Cut out the rust.
Patch the forward section.
Patch the side section.
Thick gauge metal overlay.
Before repairing the front left.
Patch the forward section.
Patch the side section.
Before repairing the front seal strip.
New metal welded in.
New seal strip welded on.
Front end complete.
Rusty seal channel.
Fabricated replacement panel.
Removed rusty section.
Welded in.
Extra side mirror holes.
Welded shut.
Rear fender damage.
Couple holes under the battery box.
New metal welded in.
All new PS seal channel.
All new PS seal channel.
Front trunk seal channel replaced.
Front trunk wiring cover tabs.
Front trunk wiring cover tabs.
Battery box.
Removing battery boxes.
Battery boxes deleted.
Oil cooler installed.
Oil cooler installed.
Oil lines under body.
Oil thermostat in wheel well.
Relay panel and fuel filter mounts added.
Late oil tank plate mocked up.
Tank plate welded in.
Tanks plate and charcoal canister finished.
Rear seat cut out.
Rear seat cut out.
Test fitting late model rear seat.
Partially welded in.
Rear seat retrofit complete.
Old fender coming off.
Old fender coming off.
911SC flare installed.
911SC welded on.
PS flare welded on.
PS flare welded on.
Front bumper rust.
Front bumper damage.
Front bumper patched.
Front bumper straightened.
Unflared rear bumper sections.
Clay mockup of new flared section.
Steel flared bumpers.
Replacing front fender mount.
Replacing front fender mount.
Seam sealer over new joints.
Seam sealer over new joints.
Seam sealer over new joints.
Seam sealer over new joints.
Notching panel seam for rear antiroll bar mount.
Seam welding notched panels for strength.
Wevo rear sway bar mounts welded in.
Welded on both sides.
Crack in door frame.
Repaired door frame.
Media blasted and on the rotisserie.
Wurth undercoating on the underside.
Wurth undercoating on the underside.
Wurth undercoating on the underside.
Wurth undercoating on the underside.
Heading to Altissimo for paint.
Heading to Altissimo for paint.
Back from paint, beginning reassembly.
Back from paint, beginning reassembly.
Back from paint, beginning reassembly.
Back from paint, beginning reassembly.
Restoring taillight housings.
Restoring taillight housings.
Elephant Racing mono-ball mounts.
Taillights installed. Deco trim installed.
Elephant Racing grooved oil lines installed.
Elephant Racing grooved oil lines installed.
Front oil cooler installed.
Thermostat and Elephant Racing adjustable spring plates and PolyBronze.
Wiring going in.
Wiring going in.
Aluminum rear trailing arms and Bilstein shocks.
Refinished Fuchs, waiting for 2 more from Harvey Weidman.
Refinished Fuchs, waiting for 2 more from Harvey Weidman.
A few rechromed pieces.
923 Transmission disassembled for inspection (915 from a 912E).
Front end coming together
Reassemnly of the 923 transmission.
923 transmission ready to go in.
Bumper guards and heater control trim chromed.
16x8 Fuchs from Harvey Weidman
16x8 Fuchs from Harvey Weidman
Headliner installed.
Custom column switch arm (middle).
Rebuilt pedal cluster.
Custom switch arm and dash material.
Gauges and Momo steering wheel.
Gauges and Momo steering wheel.
Recaro seats on customer low brackets.
Recaro seats on customer low brackets.
Sound material in the back.
Engine as delivered.
Engine stripped for refinishing.
Plated, painted, and cleaned. Like new.
Another engine shot.
Another engine shot.
Custom tucked away cage, harness bar to be added.
Custom tucked away cage, harness bar to be added.
Custom tucked away cage, harness bar to be added.
Tarrett sway bar and Elephant Racing adjustable arms.
Side mirror and door frames installed.
Getting assembled.
Seats, cage.
Hybrid early/late tank installed.
Kennedy Engineering hybrid clutch for 923 transmission.